Brownie Baked Oatmeal is an easy, healthy, and delicious breakfast recipe! Made with bananas, cashew butter, cocoa powder, rolled oats, and chocolate chips …...
Crescent Roll Apple Cobbler is the ultimate fall dessert recipe! Made with pre-made canned crescent roll dough, fresh apples, cinnamon, and brown sugar …...
Oat Milk Chia Pudding is an easy, healthy, and delicious make ahead recipe! Made with only 4 ingredients – chia seeds, creamy oat milk,...
Apple Cider Donut Holes are a true fall favorite! Made with fresh apple cider and a buttery cinnamon sugar coating … these oven baked...
Ham and Cheese Egg Cups are a delicious and healthy make ahead recipe! Made with deli ham, whole eggs, mozzarella cheese, and green onions...
Granola Cups with Yogurt & Berries are a colorful, fun, and healthy breakfast recipe! Made with simple ingredients and baked in a muffin tin...
Banana Bread Cookies taste like a delicious slice of classic banana bread in the form of easy to make cookies! Made with whole wheat...
I am a major fan of and a firm believer in cake for breakfast. Especially if that cake is chocolate cake! Which is pretty...
Who doesn’t love an easy grab & go breakfast to get your day going? I know I do and I also know that a...
Although we are a little past prime strawberry season, I can’t get the beautiful juicy red fruit off my mind. Or off my plate...
This Orange Banana Smoothie is the refreshing recipe you have been looking for! Made with fresh and frozen fruit, creamy greek yogurt, and natural...
I am an oatmeal lover through and through and I enjoy it in each and every form. I love stovetop, overnight, baked, quick cooked,...