Sheet Pan Caramel Apples are the ultimate fall dessert! Made with thin apple slices, caramel dip, and all your favorite toppings … this fun...
Protein Popsicles are a quick, easy, healthy, and delicious no-bake sweet treat recipe! Made with greek yogurt, mixed fresh berries, and vanilla protein powder...
Everything Bagel Bites are my new favorite quick and easy breakfast recipe! Made with only a 4 ingredient dough (greek yogurt, flour, baking powder,...
Air Fryer S’mores are a quick, easy, and delicious dessert recipe! Made in under 5 minutes with only 3 ingredients – golden graham crackers,...
If you’re in the market for a simple make-ahead breakfast recipe, you’re going to love these irresistible Peanut Butter Banana Oatmeal Bars with Chocolate...
Chicken Breakfast Sausage is a quick, easy, healthy, and delicious breakfast recipe perfect for meal prep or to serve at brunch! Made with ground...
Cottage Cheese Ice Cream is a quick, easy, high protein, and healthy version of the classic dessert! Made with full fat cottage cheese, fresh...
Blackberry Oatmeal Bake is an easy, healthy, and delicious breakfast recipe! Made with fresh blackberries, ripe bananas, old fashioned oats, peanut butter, and pure...
Egg White Oatmeal is an easy, healthy, and delicious breakfast recipe! Made with old fashioned oats, egg whites, pure maple syrup, vanilla extract, and...
Cottage Cheese Toast is a 5 minute breakfast, lunch, or snack recipe! Made with plain cottage cheese, toasted bread, and your favorite toppings …...
Egg White Frittata is an easy, healthy, and high protein breakfast recipe! Made with egg whites, fresh vegetables, cottage cheese, and simple seasonings …...
Bananas and Cream Oatmeal is an easy and delicious breakfast recipe! Made with old fashioned oats, banana, light brown sugar, and milk … these...