My easy Marry Me Salmon recipe is so yummy, it might just earn you a marriage proposal! This deliciously flaky salmon in a spicy, creamy sun dried tomato sauce takes just 40 minutes to get on the table, but tastes like you spent all day slaving away in the kitchen.

45 degree angle shot showing the flaky insides of a fillet of marry me salmon.

Why You’ll Love This Creamy Sun Dried Tomato Salmon Recipe

  • Perfect for Dinner Parties – This saucy, spicy, creamy, herby masterpiece is a real crowd-pleaser. If you loved my Marry Me Chicken recipe, you’ll adore this seafood version!
  • Even Better for Date Night – Feel like Charlotte Denin from New York 1? Whip up this creamy salmon recipe for an intimate night in, and you might get that pretty blue box you’ve been waiting for! 💍
  • Tastes Fancy, Cooks Easy – Honest to goodness, this dreamy salmon dinner tastes like something you’d pay $30+ for at a restaurant. Making it at home is way cheaper, and it’s simple enough for even a kitchen novice to master!
marry me salmon skillet dinner in a red cast iron skillet.

Ingredients & Substitutions

You don’t need much to make this dreamy sun-dried tomato salmon. Here’s what to grab: 

  • Salmon Fillets – I like to buy a side of salmon to make it easier to remove the skin, then cut it into single-serve portions. Feel free to buy pre-portioned filets if you prefer.
  • Dried Basil & Dried Thyme – These classic herbs add depth of flavor with little effort. Feel free to swap in an equal amount of Italian seasoning. You can also use 3x as much fresh basil/thyme if needed.
  • Garlic Powder & Onion Powder – These allium powders add sweetness and complexity. If you only have garlic or onion flakes, use 3x as much to get the same amount of flavor as the powders. You can then blitz the flakes in a clean coffee/spice grinder or crush them in a mortar and pestle.  
  • Red Pepper Flakes – For a touch of heat. If you’re sensitive to spicy foods, feel free to dial it back.
  • Chicken Broth or Stock – I like to use unsalted broth to give me greater control over the final seasoning of the dish, especially since sun-dried tomatoes can run a bit salty. Feel free to swap in unsalted veggie broth if you prefer. 
  • Heavy Cream – For a deliciously silky mouthfeel in our sun-dried tomato sauce. You’re also welcome to use slightly lighter “whipping cream” if needed.
  • Chopped Sundried Tomatoes – I prefer the kind that come packed in oil — they’re more flavorful and much softer. (Plus, the oil is super yummy for dipping bread in!) That said, you can use the dry-packed kind if that’s what you have!
  • Garlic – Fresh garlic is best, but I won’t tell if you use the jarred minced kind to cut down on prep. 🤫
  • Freshly Grated Parmesan Cheese –  “Freshly grated” is key. Pre-grated cheese is coated in starch to prevent it from glomming together in the bag. Oh, and that green bottle of shakeable parmesan? It’s made with literal wood pulp. For the best flavor and meltability (and usually, the best bang for your buck!) get a wedge of parm and grate it yourself.
  • Fresh Basil – For a pop of color and freshness. PRO TIP: Stack the leaves on top of each other, then roll from the stem side to the tip to make a little cigar. Slice it horizontally into thin rounds, which will unfurl into beautiful green ribbons. 
  • Olive Oil, Kosher Salt, & Black Pepper – The basics!
ingredients to make marry me salmon measured out on a white table.
closeup shot of a salmon fillet in marry me sauce.

How To Make Marry Me Salmon

This simple sundried tomato salmon comes together in just 40 minutes. Here’s how:

Step 1: Make Spice Blend. Add the seasonings to a small bowl — dried basil, garlic powder, onion powder, dried thyme, red pepper flakes, salt, and black pepper. Combine thoroughly.

Step 2: Season Salmon. Add half of the seasoning mix to the salmon filets. Rub it into both sides, making sure to coat all sides thoroughly.

3 salmon fillets on a square white plate with seasoning added.

Step 3: Sear Salmon. Add the olive oil to a large skillet over medium-high heat. Once hot, add the seasoned salmon flesh side down first. Sear on each side for about 5 minutes. Once seared, remove from the pan and set aside.

3 seared salmon fillets that are crispy brown.

Step 4: Sauté Aromatics. Add the minced garlic and chopped sun-dried tomatoes to the same skillet.  Optional: Add a splash of the sun-dried tomato oil as well.  Turn the heat to low and sauté for 1-2 minutes.

sun dried tomatoes and garlic sauteing in a red staub skillet.

Step 5: Deglaze Pan. Add the chicken stock and deglaze the bottom of the pan, scraping up any brown bits.

Step 6: Make Creamy Sauce. Add the heavy cream, fresh parmesan cheese, and remaining seasoning mix. Mix thoroughly.

Step 7: Simmer & Thicken. Raise the heat to medium-low. Simmer for 10-15 minutes until the sauce has thickened. Add extra salt and pepper if needed.

Step 8: Simmer Salmon. Return the salmon to the skillet, nestling it into the sauce. Spoon the sauce over the salmon. Cook for an additional 3-5 minutes, depending on how you like your salmon cooked. Three minutes will be more medium and five will be more well done.

Step 9: Serve & Enjoy! Plate a salmon fillet in a pasta bowl, spoon the Marry Me sauce over the top, then garnish with fresh basil. 

3 pieces of marry me salmon in a skillet.

Optional Variations & Dietary Adaptations

As much as I love this dinner party salmon dish just the way it is written, there are plenty of ways for you to tweak it to fit your needs. Here are a few ideas:

  • Dairy-Free – Some of my nearest and dearest love creamy things, but the dairy involved doesn’t love them back. To make this salmon dinner safe for your favorite lac-tards, just swap in vegan whipping cream and your favorite vegan parmesan cheese alternative!
  • Pescatarian-Friendly – Eat fish but no meat? Use veggie broth instead of chicken stock and ensure your parmesan is vegetarian.
  • More/Less Spicy – Add the red pepper flakes to achieve your desired spice level. ¾ of a teaspoon is moderately fiery, so if you have littles to feed, maybe only use ¼ of a teaspoon to start.
flat lay shot of a red-handled skillet with 3 marry me salmon fillets in creamy sun dried tomato sauce.

Expert Tips

  • Dollars & Sense – Frozen fish is often cheaper than “fresh,” and, contrary to what you might think, it is usually fresher, too!
  • Skinning Savvy – To easily remove salmon skin from the filets without a knife, use this awesome hot water hack!
  • Prep Like A Pro – Always make sure to check your fish fillets for pin bones. While most of them get removed in processing, sometimes a stray will get past inspection. Simply run your fingertips across the length of the top of the fillets (not the skin side), using firm but gentle pressure. If you feel anything hard, you’ve probably found a pin bone. To remove it, grab a pair of kitchen tweezers or sanitized pliers, pinch the end of the bone, and pull it out in the direction it is facing.
  • Let It Be – Don’t fuss with the salmon once you begin the searing process. Let it sit, untouched, for the full 5 minutes to get that perfectly crisp exterior.
  • Creamy Things Come To Those Who Wait – Don’t rush the sauce simmering step — it really needs 10-15 minutes to get the perfect viscosity that’ll cling to each bite. 
silver forkful of marry me salmon on a white plate.

Serving Suggestions

This dish isn’t just for special occasions—it’s perfect for any occasion and any time of year, bringing warmth to winter evenings and a touch of sunshine with its sun-dried tomatoes and basil during the summer months. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Weeknight Wonder: This speedy salmon recipe is a lifesaver on busy nights. Serve it over a bed of fluffy steamed rice or alongside your favorite veggie side for a fancy, fuss-free dinner.
  • Date Night Delight: Impress that special someone by pairing the salmon with a garlic bread baguette and a side salad. Don’t forget some crisp white wine and candles to really ignite the romance!
  • Dinner Party Showstopper: Start the night off with some beautifully bougie goat cheese tartlets, then wow your pals by serving Marry Me salmon pasta using your favorite long noodles. Then, offer up fudgy brownie bites and fresh berries for a spectacular end to the meal!
  • Mix & Match Sides: Experiment with different sides to keep it interesting. Think crispy roasted potatoes, a refreshing chopped salad, or crescent roll garlic knots to sop up all the delicious sauce.  
  • Low-Carb Options: Keeping it keto with zucchini noodles or cauliflower rice.
red skillet with creamy sun dried tomato salmon fillets.

Storage and Reheating Instructions

As with most fish dishes, this Marry Me salmon is best served fresh from the skillet. That said, if you have any leftovers:

  • Pop them into airtight containers in the fridge. They should keep well for up to 4 days.
  • To reheat, be GENTLE. Fish can go from flaky and fabulous to dismally dry in a heartbeat. I recommend heating the sauce separately, then adding the fish in the last bit of cooking to take the chill off.


What is Marry Me sauce? What is Marry Me Salmon?

Marry Me sauce is a rich, creamy sun-dried tomato sauce, used in the viral Marry Me chicken recipe. It’s said to be so good, it could make anyone want to propose marriage to the person who made it! Marry Me salmon swaps in fish fillets for the poultry for a delicious seafood dinner.

What is the difference between dehydrated and sun dried tomatoes?

They’re both tomatoes that have had the moisture removed. Nowadays, most commercially produced sun-dried tomatoes are first treated with salt or sulfur dioxide, then dried in dehydrating machines. When most of the water has been removed, they’re then laid out on trays in the sun to finish the dehydrating process. If you find “dehydrated tomatoes,” they were likely dehydrated in machines without the final spell in the sun.

What sauce can I use for fish aside from tartar sauce?

There are lots of options! This Marry Me sauce is pretty bangin’, but you can also use teriyaki sauce, spicy sriracha mayo, Baja sauce, pesto, tzatziki… just use your imagination!

What’s a good sun dried tomato alternative?

Sundried tomatoes have a unique, umami flavor that’s tough to replicate. You can try using oven roasted cherry tomatoes or roasted red peppers, but neither has quite the same flavor intensity. To bump up the tomato-iness in the sauce if you use either of these options, consider using double-concentrated tomato paste that you sauté until it’s a shade or two darker, or use tomato powder or tomato bouillon instead of salt.

Is this creamy sun-dried tomato salmon spicy?

If spicy was on a scale of 10, I’d say this Marry Me salmon hovers around 5 — it’s got some kick, but it won’t blow your lid off. Feel free to adjust the amount of spice to suit your palette.

creamy marry me salmon on a white plate.

Related Recipes

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flaked salmon fillet in a creamy sun dried tomato sauce.

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red skillet with creamy sun dried tomato salmon fillets.

Marry Me Salmon

  • Author: Kayla Berman
  • Prep Time: 10 Minutes
  • Cook Time: 30 Minutes
  • Total Time: 40 minutes
  • Yield: 34 Servings 1x
  • Category: Dinner
  • Method: Stovetop


My easy Marry Me Salmon recipe is so yummy, it might just earn you a marriage proposal! This deliciously flaky salmon in a spicy, creamy sun dried tomato sauce takes just 40 minutes to get on the table, but tastes like you spent all day slaving away in the kitchen.


  • 34 salmon fillets, skin removed
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp dried basil
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 1/2 tsp dried thyme
  • 3/4 tsp red pepper flakes
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp black pepper
  • 1 cup chicken stock, unsalted
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 1/3 cup chopped sundried tomatoes
  • 5 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1/2 cup freshly shredded parmesan cheese
  • Fresh basil


  1. Add the seasonings to a small bowl – dried basil, garlic powder, onion powder, dried thyme, red pepper flakes, salt, and black pepper. Combine thoroughly.
  2. Add half of the seasoning mix to the salmon filets. Rub it into both sides thoroughly.
  3. Next add the olive oil to a large skillet or pan on the stove over medium-high heat. Once hot, add the seasoned salmon flesh side down first. Sear on each side for about 5 minutes. Once seared, remove from the pan and set aside.
  4. Add the minced garlic and chopped sun dried tomatoes to the same skillet. Optional: Add a splash of the sun dried tomato oil as well. Turn the heat to low and sauté for 1-2 minutes.
  5. Add the chicken stock and deglaze the bottom of the pan, scraping up any brown bits.
  6. Next add in the heavy cream, fresh parmesan cheese, and remaining seasoning mix. Combine thoroughly.
  7. Raise the heat to medium-low. Simmer for 10-15 minutes until the sauce has thickened. Add extra salt and pepper if needed.
  8. Place the salmon back into the skillet. Spoon the sauce over the salmon. Cook for an additional 3-5 minutes, depending on how you like your salmon cooked. Three minutes will be more medium and five will be more well done.
  9. Serve and enjoy! Garnish with fresh basil.

Keywords: marry me salmon, marry me salmon recipe