Search Results
Your search for "chicken" returned 211 results:
If you’ve been meaning to try the TikTok-famous Spicy Vodka Pasta, then you’re in the right place. Say hello to the scrumptiously creamy, deliciously...
Air Fryer Sweet Potato Cubes are the perfect quick, easy, and healthy side dish! Made with olive oil and simple seasonings … these sweet...
This Asian-inspired take on the Viral TikTok Raw Carrot Salad is the simple salad you’ve been looking for! Made with ribboned carrots, soy sauce,...
Air Fryer Cinnamon Rolls are the perfect short cut to freshly baked cinnamon rolls on a weekend morning! Made in under 10 minutes, requiring...
If you’ve been on the hunt for a quick and easy way to add protein to your meals, you’re going to love this easy...
Cottage Cheese Pizza Bowl is a high protein, low carb, and low calorie way to enjoy all the delicious pizza flavors! Made with low...
Get ready to set your tastebuds ablaze with my delectable Asian-inspired Firecracker Meatballs — a dish that’s as explosively delicious as it sounds. Featuring...
If you’re looking to add a little brightness to your holiday table, try my Apple Arugula Salad with Maple Balsamic Dressing! Featuring sweet-tart fruit,...
This Italian Grinder Salad is a low carb version of the TikTok viral grinder sandwich! Made with crunchy lettuce, savory deli meats, provolone and...
Whipped Brie is the best appetizer recipe you will ever have! Topped with honey and buttery garlic and herbs … this cheese spread is...
Big Mac Smash Burger Tacos are a viral TikTok recipe sensation for good reason! The crispy ground beef smashed burger patties served inside tortillas...
Charcuterie Skewers are the ultimate no-cook appetizer recipe! Perfect for any occasion and made with a variety of meat and cheese – this colorful,...