Mexican Beef & Rice Skillet is the perfect easy, healthy, and delicious dinner for a busy weeknight! Made with ground beef, brown rice, bell...
Air fryer soft boiled eggs are my new favorite “boiled” eggs! You need just about 10 minutes to prepare these stove-less eggs. No waiting...
Next time you’re looking for a simple, warmly spiced treat to satisfy your sweet tooth, look no further than my easy Air Fryer Apples!...
Jennifer Aniston’s Quinoa Salad took the internet by storm for good reason! Made with quinoa, garbanzo beans, feta cheese, pistachios, fresh herbs, and a...
Pastina is the ultimate comfort food! Made with chicken broth, parmesan cheese, and butter … this tiny star-shaped pasta dish is cooked risotto-style to...
Are you tired of the same old, bland vegetable dishes? Well, it’s time to revolutionize your plate with my Smashed Broccoli Parmesan — a...
Once you air fry frozen french fries, you will never prepare them a different way! These french fries are crispy on the outside, soft...
My scrumptious & speedy Big Mac Casserole is comfort food at its finest – without the drive-thru guilt. Imagine all the iconic flavors of...
How long is tuna salad good for? Answer: While I have lots of information for you regarding tuna salad in this post, including proper...
This copycat version of the Joe & The Juice viral tunacado is the best tuna sandwich you will ever have! Made with crispy flatbread,...
These baked puff pastry tarts are the best goat cheese appetizer recipe! Made with refrigerated puff pastry, herbed goat cheese, charcuterie meats, apple slices,...
Imagine tender slices of flank steak, stir-fried to perfection and bathed in a garlic sauce that strikes the perfect balance between savory, sweet, and...