Alfredo Sauce with Greek Yogurt is a low fat, low calorie, and high protein take on the classic Italian dish! Made with whole milk,...
This Orzo Pesto Salad is a delightfully Italian-inspired summer side that is perfect for pairing with all your cookout favorites. Featuring rice-sized grains of...
Cocoa Baked Oats are an easy, healthy, and delicious single serve breakfast recipe! Made with old fashioned oats, almond milk, pure maple syrup, cocoa...
Burger Salad is an easy, healthy, and delicious dinner or meal prep recipe! Made with seasoned ground beef, a homemade special sauce dressing, and...
Lemon Pepper Tuna is an easy, healthy, and high protein lunch recipe! Made with white albacore tuna, lemon pepper seasoning, mayo, lemon juice, red...
Baked Shrimp Oreganata is a quick, easy, and delicious dinner recipe! Made with fresh shrimp, panko breadcrumbs, parmesan cheese, fresh herbs, and lemon …...
Blackberry Oatmeal Bake is an easy, healthy, and delicious breakfast recipe! Made with fresh blackberries, ripe bananas, old fashioned oats, peanut butter, and pure...
Hasselback Caprese Salad is an easy, delicious, and beautiful appetizer recipe! Made with Roma tomatoes, fresh mozzarella cheese, fresh basil, and balsamic glaze …...
Bang Bang Salmon is an easy, healthy, and delicious dinner recipe! Made with seasoned salmon fillets, light mayo, Thai sweet chili sauce, and sriracha...
La Scala Salad Copycat is the perfect simple salad! Made with iceberg lettuce, garbanzo beans, salami, turkey, mozzarella cheese, cucumber, and a homemade creamy,...
Egg White Oatmeal is an easy, healthy, and delicious breakfast recipe! Made with old fashioned oats, egg whites, pure maple syrup, vanilla extract, and...
This Baja Shrimp Bowl recipe is an easy, healthy, and delicious dinner! Made with seasoned shrimp, crunchy cilantro slaw, brown rice, black beans, pico...