Pumpkin Protein Balls are the perfect healthy no-bake dessert or snack for fall! Made with old fashioned oats, real pumpkin puree, almond butter, vanilla...
No-Bake Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites are an easy and delicious vegan dessert recipe! Made with gluten free ingredients, perfectly sweet, and covered in...
If you’re on the hunt for an easy, high-protein breakfast idea, try my Cottage Cheese Scrambled Eggs! Made with little more than just eggs...
Welcome summer in style with my deliciously easy Italian Bow Tie Pasta Salad recipe. Featuring adorable noodles tossed with salty salami, a bevy of...
An adult lunchable is the perfect packed lunch box idea for work or school! This post will tell you all need to know about...
Next time you’re looking for a simple, warmly spiced treat to satisfy your sweet tooth, look no further than my easy Air Fryer Apples!...
Reese’s Peanut Butter Cream Cheese Dip is the most delicious dessert or party appetizer recipe! Made with cream cheese, butter, peanut butter, powdered sugar,...
Chocolate Date Bark is the latest and greatest social media sensation! Made with sweet Medjool dates, creamy peanut butter, salty peanuts, crunchy cereal, and...
Sheet Pan Caramel Apples are the ultimate fall dessert! Made with thin apple slices, caramel dip, and all your favorite toppings … this fun...
Frozen Cottage Cheese Bark is an easy and delicious high protein dessert recipe! Featuring two flavors – berry cheesecake and chocolate peanut butter swirl...
Crescent Roll Cinnamon Rolls use refrigerated pre-made dough and are ready in about 30 minutes. Somewhere in between homemade and straight from a tube...
Protein Popsicles are a quick, easy, healthy, and delicious no-bake sweet treat recipe! Made with greek yogurt, mixed fresh berries, and vanilla protein powder...