Search Results
Your search for "granola" returned 87 results:
Crunchy Homemade Granola Clusters are going to be your new go-to granola recipe! Made with old-fashioned oats, almonds, coconut flakes, and honey … this...
Granola Cups with Yogurt & Berries are a colorful, fun, and healthy breakfast recipe! Made with simple ingredients and baked in a muffin tin...
Cinnamon Raisin Granola is full of crispy, crunchy cinnamon oat clusters and deliciously sweet raisins! This homemade granola recipe is quick & easy, made...
Y’all it’s September! Or at least it almost is and probably already is when you’re reading this. It’s back to school, the beginning of...
I think we can all agree that peanut butter and chocolate are a match made in heaven. I mean the combo is truly the...
If you know me at all, you know of my deep love for the peanut butter and jelly combination. Like very very deep love....
I discovered my love for homemade granola a few months back. And trust me once you try it for yourself, you will never want...
These Chewy Peanut Butter Chocolate Granola Bars have been a long time coming! I have been wanting to make an easy and healthy copycat...
I think homemade granola is one of the best things that there is! It is so easy to make and absolutely delicious that once...
As I’m sure we all know, hot summer days are almost upon us! Which means it is time to find that perfectly refreshing frozen...
I am going to be completely honest with you guys … I have no idea if dessert granola exists. Absolutely no clue if it’s...
You guys! I am on such a peanut butter chocolate kick these days! I mean I always am, but this Chunky Monkey Granola is...