Cottage Cheese Toast is a 5 minute breakfast, lunch, or snack recipe! Made with plain cottage cheese, toasted bread, and your favorite toppings …...
Sautéed Sweet Potatoes are a quick, easy, healthy, and delicious side dish recipe! Made in under 30 minutes on the stovetop with sweet potatoes,...
Honey Garlic Salmon Bites are an easy, healthy, and delicious dinner recipe! Made with cubed salmon, butter, honey, fresh garlic, and soy sauce …...
Healthy Tomato Sauce is a quick and easy sauce recipe perfect for countless dishes! Made with canned crushed tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil, garlic,...
Baked oats are an easy, healthy, and delicious breakfast recipe for one! Made without banana in under 30 minutes … this recipe has two...
Egg White Frittata is an easy, healthy, and high protein breakfast recipe! Made with egg whites, fresh vegetables, cottage cheese, and simple seasonings …...