The newest TikTok food trend, Upside Down Puff Pastry Squares, are absolutely worth the social media hype! Made with buttery puff pastry, sweet honey,...
Air Fryer S’mores are a quick, easy, and delicious dessert recipe! Made in under 5 minutes with only 3 ingredients – golden graham crackers,...
Chicken Breakfast Sausage is a quick, easy, healthy, and delicious breakfast recipe perfect for meal prep or to serve at brunch! Made with ground...
Cinnamon Roll Overnight Oats are an easy, healthy, and delicious breakfast recipe! Made with old fashioned oats, greek yogurt, almond milk, light brown sugar,...
Cottage Cheese Toast is a 5 minute breakfast, lunch, or snack recipe! Made with plain cottage cheese, toasted bread, and your favorite toppings …...
Brownie Baked Oatmeal is an easy, healthy, and delicious breakfast recipe! Made with bananas, cashew butter, cocoa powder, rolled oats, and chocolate chips …...
Crescent Roll Apple Cobbler is the ultimate fall dessert recipe! Made with pre-made canned crescent roll dough, fresh apples, cinnamon, and brown sugar …...
Apple Cider Donut Holes are a true fall favorite! Made with fresh apple cider and a buttery cinnamon sugar coating … these oven baked...
This trending Italian Grinder Sandwich is the best sub sandwich you’ll ever make! Made with a hoagie roll, Italian meats, provolone & parmesan cheese,...
Pineapple Coconut Baked Oatmeal is an easy, make ahead breakfast full of tropical flavor! Made with banana, fresh pineapple, shredded coconut, and coconut milk...
Gluten Free Cinnamon Coffee Cake is the only coffee cake you’ll ever need! Made with almond flour, oat flour, and more delicious ingredients …...
Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Oatmeal Bars are the perfect breakfast, snack, or dessert! Made with real pumpkin, pure maple syrup, old fashioned oats, and lots...