If you’re looking for something good for the soul, you need to try Chicken Couscous Soup. Chicken Couscous Soup is great for those cold...
You know what’s better than homemade Rice Krispie Treats? Festive Halloween Rice Krispie Treats!! I mean combine an ooey-gooey, buttery treat with chocolate and...
Pesto Flatbread Pizzas are made with naan flatbread, fresh mozzarella cheese, colorful grape tomatoes, balsamic glaze, and fresh basil! They’re crispy, cheesy, flavorful, and...
I am not embarrassed to say that I have a deep love for french onion dip. Like I mean deep!! It is 100% my...
Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Oatmeal Bars are the perfect breakfast, snack, or dessert! Made with real pumpkin, pure maple syrup, old fashioned oats, and lots...
I am a major casserole fan. They’re super easy to make and are always comforting & delicious. And are usually covered in cheese. Which...