A rich, creamy pasta dinner can be on the table in just 30 minutes (with only 5 minutes of active prep!) with my Easy...
Cream Cheese Stuffed Peppers are an easy, customizable, and delicious appetizer or snack recipe! Stuffed with cream cheese, cheddar cheese, and everything bagel seasoning...
Quick, crispy, and packed with protein, these Breaded & Baked Chicken Cutlets are about to become your favorite weeknight kitchen trick. In just 40...
Mexican Beef & Rice Skillet is the perfect easy, healthy, and delicious dinner for a busy weeknight! Made with ground beef, brown rice, bell...
Get ready to up your meal prep game with my super simple Crockpot Salsa Chicken recipe. Just dump 5 simple ingredients in your trusty...
Air fryer soft boiled eggs are my new favorite “boiled” eggs! You need just about 10 minutes to prepare these stove-less eggs. No waiting...