Buffalo Chicken Flatbread is the perfect easy dinner or fun appetizer recipe! Made with naan bread, shredded rotisserie chicken, spicy buffalo sauce, mozzarella cheese,...
Honey Garlic Salmon Bites are an easy, healthy, and delicious dinner recipe! Made with cubed salmon, butter, honey, fresh garlic, and soy sauce …...
Healthy Tomato Sauce is a quick and easy sauce recipe perfect for countless dishes! Made with canned crushed tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil, garlic,...
Buffalo Chicken Zucchini Boats are a healthy and delicious dinner recipe! Made with shredded chicken, greek yogurt, cheddar cheese, and buffalo sauce … this...
Parmesan Crusted Cod is an easy, healthy, and delicious dinner recipe! Made with fresh cod fillets, parmesan cheese, Panko breadcrumbs, and lemon zest …...
Cucumber Dill Tzatziki is the perfect easy sauce or appetizer dip! Made with greek yogurt, cucumber, fresh dill, and lemon … this light and...
Dark Chocolate Berry Bark is an easy and healthy dessert recipe! Made with only 4 ingredients – dark chocolate, white chocolate, fresh berries, and...
French Toast Bites are the best sweet treat breakfast! Made with thick white bread and a tasty cinnamon sugar coating … this bite sized...
Ritz Cracker Toffee is the best holiday sweet treat recipe! Made with buttery crackers, rich homemade toffee, and smooth semi sweet chocolate on top...
Creamy Taco Soup is the perfect easy and delicious soup recipe! Made with ground beef, black beans, taco seasoning, and cream cheese … this...
Crescent Roll Garlic Knots are a quick, easy, and delicious recipe! Made with pre-made crescent roll dough, butter, fresh garlic, parmesan, and mozzarella cheese...
Pumpkin Sugar Cookies are the ultimate fall dessert recipe! Made with canned pumpkin puree, pumpkin pie spice, and a sweet & tangy cream cheese...