Easy Banana Blueberry Muffins are a soft, fluffy, and delicious muffin recipe that everyone will love! They combine blueberry muffins and banana bread into...
Pineapple Coconut Baked Oatmeal is an easy, make ahead breakfast full of tropical flavor! Made with banana, fresh pineapple, shredded coconut, and coconut milk...
Mediterranean Chickpea Couscous Salad is a healthy and delicious vegetarian recipe! Made with pearl couscous, garbanzo beans, colorful vegetables, and a simple lemon &...
This S’mores Cookies Recipe is the ultimate summertime dessert! This campfire inspired cookie is loaded with melty milk chocolate, ooey-gooey marshmallows, and crunchy graham...
Easy Baked Pesto Chicken is an easy and healthy dinner recipe! Made with boneless chicken breasts, basil pesto, and grape tomatoes … this simple...
Garlic Parmesan Smashed Potatoes are the ultimate side dish or appetizer recipe! Made with baby gold potatoes, fresh garlic cloves, olive oil, and parmesan...