Get ready to spice up your snack time with my easy 4-ingredient Healthy Buffalo Chicken Dip recipe! This spectacularly cheesy dip might taste naughty,...
Buffalo Chicken Thighs are my new favorite quick and easy recipe for a busy weeknight dinner or healthy meal prep! Cooked in the air...
Buffalo Chicken Flatbread is the perfect easy dinner or fun appetizer recipe! Made with naan bread, shredded rotisserie chicken, spicy buffalo sauce, mozzarella cheese,...
Buffalo Chicken Zucchini Boats are a healthy and delicious dinner recipe! Made with shredded chicken, greek yogurt, cheddar cheese, and buffalo sauce … this...
If creamy, slightly spicy, protein-packed, low-carb goodness sounds right up your alley, you should try these Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Peppers! Made with fewer than...
I think we all know that buffalo wings are sort of the quintessential appetizer and game day food. But I think we all also...
Looking to pump up the protein in your dinner? My super simple recipe for crispy Air Fryer Chicken Bites is the speedy solution you...
Feel like a kid again with my easy recipe for naturally gluten-free Air Fryer Chicken Tenderloins! These crispy, sweet n’ savory, golden brown air-fried...
This Mediterranean Rice Bowl recipe is my favorite nutritious and delicious dinner or meal prep! Made with white rice, marinated Greek chicken, chickpeas, fresh...
This McDonald’s Snack Wrap Recipe is incredibly easy and delicious – plus it tastes just like the real deal! Just add crispy chicken tenders...
Quick, crispy, and packed with protein, these Breaded & Baked Chicken Cutlets are about to become your favorite weeknight kitchen trick. In just 40...
Get ready to up your meal prep game with my super simple Crockpot Salsa Chicken recipe. Just dump 5 simple ingredients in your trusty...