Mozzarella Stuffed Meatballs are an easy dinner recipe made on the stovetop in under 45 minutes! Made with ground beef, fresh mozzarella cheese, fresh...
Veggie Mac & Cheese is a quick and easy dinner recipe both kid and adults will enjoy! Made with white cheddar and parmesan cheese,...
Homemade Vegetable Gnocchi Soup is a hearty & healthy homemade soup recipe! Made with chicken or veggie broth, diced tomatoes, pillowy soft potato gnocchi,...
Zucchini Lasagna is a lightened up take on the classic Italian dish! This low carb, cheesy vegetable lasagna is made with a simple ground...
Cheesy Bacon Corn Dip is the perfect party or game day snack! Made with fresh or frozen corn, sour cream, cream cheese, cheddar cheese,...
One of my favorite parts of any party or holiday gathering is the appetizers. I just love being able to have bites and tastes...
Apple Sausage Stuffing is made with a fresh brioche loaf, sweet Italian sausage, apple and celery, aromatics, and lots of delicious herbs like sage,...
I can’t lie to you guys, I only truly enjoy salads if they are absolutely decked out with delicious toppings. Those can be any...
Pesto Flatbread Pizzas are made with naan flatbread, fresh mozzarella cheese, colorful grape tomatoes, balsamic glaze, and fresh basil! They’re crispy, cheesy, flavorful, and...
I am not embarrassed to say that I have a deep love for french onion dip. Like I mean deep!! It is 100% my...
I am a major casserole fan. They’re super easy to make and are always comforting & delicious. And are usually covered in cheese. Which...
It is officially soup season. AKA, the best time of the freaking year! There is just nothing better than enjoying a warm and cozy...