Air Fryer Shrimp can be prepared in just about 5 minutes with simple seasonings and olive oil. Fresh or frozen shrimp – this tasty...
Give your Taco Tuesday a major upgrade with this deliciously quick recipe for Baja Shrimp Tacos! Ready in just 30 minutes and dressed in...
Pan Seared Shrimp is a quick, easy, and delicious seafood recipe! Made with butter, fresh herbs, and simple seasonings – this versatile dish is...
Baked Shrimp Oreganata is a quick, easy, and delicious dinner recipe! Made with fresh shrimp, panko breadcrumbs, parmesan cheese, fresh herbs, and lemon …...
This Baja Shrimp Bowl recipe is an easy, healthy, and delicious dinner! Made with seasoned shrimp, crunchy cilantro slaw, brown rice, black beans, pico...
Teriyaki Shrimp Stir Fry is the perfect easy and healthy dinner recipe for a busy weeknight! Made with fresh shrimp, bell peppers, snow peas,...
Bang Bang Shrimp made in the air fryer is a delicious party appetizer or main course meal for the family! Made with medium shrimp,...
This 30 minute Maple Mustard Salmon is the perfect easy weeknight dinner. Sweet, tangy, and perfectly flakey this simple recipe comes together with under...
Looking to pump up the protein in your dinner? My super simple recipe for crispy Air Fryer Chicken Bites is the speedy solution you...
This easy method for preparing a whole baked sweet potato in the air fryer takes just 60 minutes! You’ll be left with a perfectly...
Indulge your creamy, carb-y pasta desires with my Healthy Cottage Cheese Alfredo recipe! Simply made with just 10 ingredients and ready in under 30...
Welcome summer in style with my deliciously easy Italian Bow Tie Pasta Salad recipe. Featuring adorable noodles tossed with salty salami, a bevy of...