Garlic lovers, unite! 🧄 If you’re looking for a lightening-fast way to upgrade your store-bought bread, you can stop your scrolling. My quick and...
Give your Taco Tuesday a major upgrade with this deliciously quick recipe for Baja Shrimp Tacos! Ready in just 30 minutes and dressed in...
If you’re in the market for a quick & easy 1-pan meal, look no further than my recipe for Pesto Turkey Meatballs with Mozzarella...
Ham & Cheese Crescent Rolls are an easy, delicious, and fun finger food recipe! Made with pre-made refrigerated crescent rolls, deli black forest ham,...
If you’ve been craving Italian fare, look no further than my easy recipe for Chicken Pomodoro. This classic recipe features succulent, white-meat chicken simmered...
Chicken Breakfast Sausage is a quick, easy, healthy, and delicious breakfast recipe perfect for meal prep or to serve at brunch! Made with ground...
Pan Seared Shrimp is a quick, easy, and delicious seafood recipe! Made with butter, fresh herbs, and simple seasonings – this versatile dish is...
Looking for a fresh new recipe to mix up your Taco Tuesday routine? Consider your search over because these veggie-packed Chicken Fajita Tacos are...
Baked Shrimp Oreganata is a quick, easy, and delicious dinner recipe! Made with fresh shrimp, panko breadcrumbs, parmesan cheese, fresh herbs, and lemon …...
Crusted Chicken Romano is an easy and delicious dinner recipe! Made with thin chicken breasts, Pecorino Romano cheese, flour, eggs, and simple seasonings …...
Creamy Herb Chicken is an easy and delicious 30 minute dinner recipe! Made with boneless skinless chicken breasts, chicken broth, half & half, and...
Chicken Meatball Soup is a hearty, healthy, and delicious soup recipe! Made with tiny bite-sized chicken meatballs, tender orzo pasta, baby spinach, and aromatic...