Mexican Beef & Rice Skillet is the perfect easy, healthy, and delicious dinner for a busy weeknight! Made with ground beef, brown rice, bell...
Get ready to up your meal prep game with my super simple Crockpot Salsa Chicken recipe. Just dump 5 simple ingredients in your trusty...
Air fryer soft boiled eggs are my new favorite “boiled” eggs! You need just about 10 minutes to prepare these stove-less eggs. No waiting...
Jennifer Aniston’s Quinoa Salad took the internet by storm for good reason! Made with quinoa, garbanzo beans, feta cheese, pistachios, fresh herbs, and a...
My scrumptious & speedy Big Mac Casserole is comfort food at its finest – without the drive-thru guilt. Imagine all the iconic flavors of...
Today, I’m super excited to share my latest obsession: slow-cooked Mississippi Chicken. All you need is 7 simple ingredients, 10 minutes of your time...
Air Fryer Chicken Sausage will be your new go-to way to whip up a quick, easy, and tasty protein option for dinner or meal...
Imagine tender slices of flank steak, stir-fried to perfection and bathed in a garlic sauce that strikes the perfect balance between savory, sweet, and...
If you’ve been meaning to try the TikTok-famous Spicy Vodka Pasta, then you’re in the right place. Say hello to the scrumptiously creamy, deliciously...
This Asian-inspired take on the Viral TikTok Raw Carrot Salad is the simple salad you’ve been looking for! Made with ribboned carrots, soy sauce,...
If you’ve been on the hunt for a quick and easy way to add protein to your meals, you’re going to love this easy...
Cottage Cheese Pizza Bowl is a high protein, low carb, and low calorie way to enjoy all the delicious pizza flavors! Made with low...