This Copycat Costco Quinoa Salad is the perfect fresh, light, and nutritious recipe! Made with tons of fresh vegetables, lentils, quinoa, feta cheese, and...
Snacktime just got a serious upgrade with my easy Air Fryer Tortilla Pizza recipe! With just 2 minutes of prep and a quick spell...
An adult lunchable is the perfect packed lunch box idea for work or school! This post will tell you all need to know about...
This copycat Sweetgreen Crispy Rice Bowl is a healthy and delicious lunch, dinner, or meal prep recipe! Made with white rice, homemade crispy rice,...
Cottage Cheese with Fruit is a nutritious and delicious breakfast or snack option! Assembled in less than 5 minutes, this quick and easy “recipe”...
My easy recipe for Black Bean & Corn Salsa is about to revolutionize your mealtime. Made with just 10 simple ingredients and 15 minutes...
This Nutella Puff Pastry Recipe is the perfect sweet treat breakfast or dessert! Fun and easy to make with only 4 ingredients … these...
Air Fryer Shrimp can be prepared in just about 5 minutes with simple seasonings and olive oil. Fresh or frozen shrimp – this tasty...
If fluffy-centered, crispy-edged, cheesy, buttery carbs are your idea of a good time, you need my super speedy recipe for Air Fryer Garlic Bread....
This McDonald’s Snack Wrap Recipe is incredibly easy and delicious – plus it tastes just like the real deal! Just add crispy chicken tenders...
Quick, crispy, and packed with protein, these Breaded & Baked Chicken Cutlets are about to become your favorite weeknight kitchen trick. In just 40...
Get ready to up your meal prep game with my super simple Crockpot Salsa Chicken recipe. Just dump 5 simple ingredients in your trusty...