This 30 minute Maple Mustard Salmon is the perfect easy weeknight dinner. Sweet, tangy, and perfectly flakey this simple recipe comes together with under...
Welcome summer in style with my deliciously easy Italian Bow Tie Pasta Salad recipe. Featuring adorable noodles tossed with salty salami, a bevy of...
My easy Marry Me Salmon recipe is so yummy, it might just earn you a marriage proposal! This deliciously flaky salmon in a spicy,...
An adult lunchable is the perfect packed lunch box idea for work or school! This post will tell you all need to know about...
Air Fryer Shrimp can be prepared in just about 5 minutes with simple seasonings and olive oil. Fresh or frozen shrimp – this tasty...
This copycat version of the Joe & The Juice viral tunacado is the best tuna sandwich you will ever have! Made with crispy flatbread,...
If you’ve been on the hunt for a quick and easy way to add protein to your meals, you’re going to love this easy...
Maple Glazed Chicken is an easy, healthy, and delicious dinner or meal prep recipe! Made with pure maple syrup, fresh lemon juice, dijon mustard,...
Give your Taco Tuesday a major upgrade with this deliciously quick recipe for Baja Shrimp Tacos! Ready in just 30 minutes and dressed in...
Pan Seared Shrimp is a quick, easy, and delicious seafood recipe! Made with butter, fresh herbs, and simple seasonings – this versatile dish is...
Baked Shrimp Oreganata is a quick, easy, and delicious dinner recipe! Made with fresh shrimp, panko breadcrumbs, parmesan cheese, fresh herbs, and lemon …...
Bang Bang Salmon is an easy, healthy, and delicious dinner recipe! Made with seasoned salmon fillets, light mayo, Thai sweet chili sauce, and sriracha...