My quick, simple, and healthy Mexican Tuna Salad recipe is the high-protein meal-prep magic you’ve been missing. This delightful twist on the diner classic...
Welcome summer in style with my deliciously easy Italian Bow Tie Pasta Salad recipe. Featuring adorable noodles tossed with salty salami, a bevy of...
This Copycat Costco Quinoa Salad is the perfect fresh, light, and nutritious recipe! Made with tons of fresh vegetables, lentils, quinoa, feta cheese, and...
This Cucumber Sweet Pepper Salad is a viral TikTok sensation for good reason! Made with fresh cucumbers, sweet mini peppers, bagel seasoning, chili crunch,...
Jennifer Aniston’s Quinoa Salad took the internet by storm for good reason! Made with quinoa, garbanzo beans, feta cheese, pistachios, fresh herbs, and a...
How long is tuna salad good for? Answer: While I have lots of information for you regarding tuna salad in this post, including proper...
This Asian-inspired take on the Viral TikTok Raw Carrot Salad is the simple salad you’ve been looking for! Made with ribboned carrots, soy sauce,...
If you’re looking to add a little brightness to your holiday table, try my Apple Arugula Salad with Maple Balsamic Dressing! Featuring sweet-tart fruit,...
This Italian Grinder Salad is a low carb version of the TikTok viral grinder sandwich! Made with crunchy lettuce, savory deli meats, provolone and...
My tantalizing Stone Fruit Salad features a medley of succulent peaches, plums, and nectarines, juicy berries, fresh mint, and a luscious honey lemon vanilla...
If you’re looking for a light, bright, almost no-cook recipe for your next summer dinner, look no further than this delectable Bruschetta Pasta Salad...
Celebrate warmer weather in style with my quick & easy recipe for Burrata Caprese Salad with Cherry Tomatoes! Made with just 5 simple ingredients...