This easy method for preparing a whole baked sweet potato in the air fryer takes just 60 minutes! You’ll be left with a perfectly...
Air Fryer Sweet Potato Cubes are the perfect quick, easy, and healthy side dish! Made with olive oil and simple seasonings … these sweet...
Sautéed Sweet Potatoes are a quick, easy, healthy, and delicious side dish recipe! Made in under 30 minutes on the stovetop with sweet potatoes,...
Garlic Parmesan Roasted Potatoes are an easy, flavorful, and delicious side dish recipe! Made with baby potatoes, fresh parmesan cheese, and minced garlic …...
Truffle Mashed Potatoes are the ultimate side dish recipe! Made with russet potatoes, butter, white truffle oil, and parmesan cheese … this rich side...
Garlic Parmesan Smashed Potatoes are the ultimate side dish or appetizer recipe! Made with baby gold potatoes, fresh garlic cloves, olive oil, and parmesan...
Cheesy Au Gratin Potatoes are pure cheesy, creamy, melt-in-your-mouth deliciousness! Thinly sliced potatoes are layered here with flavorful onion, minced garlic and topped with...
At the start of a new year I am always looking to get back in the kitchen and whip up some healthy meals. I...
Thanksgiving is one of my absolute favorite holidays, second only to Christmas. I am a big lover of all the different cozy, delicious, and...
Ground Turkey Sweet Potato bake is the perfect healthy dinner recipe! This easy casserole is made with sweet potato, ground turkey, zucchini, parmesan cheese,...
Welcome to another easy and healthy make ahead breakfast recipe!! What can I say I love them and they just make my life so...
Most of you probably don’t know this about me, but nachos are one of my favorite foods. I’m not one who has a definite...