Welcome summer in style with my deliciously easy Italian Bow Tie Pasta Salad recipe. Featuring adorable noodles tossed with salty salami, a bevy of...
A rich, creamy pasta dinner can be on the table in just 30 minutes (with only 5 minutes of active prep!) with my Easy...
If you’ve been meaning to try the TikTok-famous Spicy Vodka Pasta, then you’re in the right place. Say hello to the scrumptiously creamy, deliciously...
If you believe that food is the way into your lover’s heart, you’re going to fall head over heels for this Marry Me Chicken...
If you’re looking for a light, bright, almost no-cook recipe for your next summer dinner, look no further than this delectable Bruschetta Pasta Salad...
Alfredo Sauce with Greek Yogurt is a low fat, low calorie, and high protein take on the classic Italian dish! Made with whole milk,...
This Orzo Pesto Salad is a delightfully Italian-inspired summer side that is perfect for pairing with all your cookout favorites. Featuring rice-sized grains of...
Chicken Caprese Pasta is an easy, healthy, and delicious 30 minute dinner recipe! Made with penne pasta, chicken, juicy tomatoes, melty fresh mozzarella cheese,...
Hidden Veggie Pasta Sauce is an easy, healthy, and delicious recipe! Made with tons of colorful roasted vegetables, flavorful seasonings, and rigatoni pasta …...
Creamy Lemon Chicken Pasta is the perfect weeknight dinner recipe for the whole family! Made with tender chicken, fresh lemon, heavy cream, herbs, and...
Sun Dried Tomato Pasta is a light and creamy pasta recipe! Made with penne pasta, greek yogurt, spinach, parmesan cheese, fresh basil, and no...
Salad Supreme Pasta Salad is the ultimate pasta salad recipe! Made with rotini pasta, colorful vegetables, parmesan & mozzarella cheese, zesty Italian dressing, and...