Celebrate warmer weather in style with my quick & easy recipe for Burrata Caprese Salad with Cherry Tomatoes! Made with just 5 simple ingredients...
Chicken Caprese Pasta is an easy, healthy, and delicious 30 minute dinner recipe! Made with penne pasta, chicken, juicy tomatoes, melty fresh mozzarella cheese,...
Hasselback Caprese Salad is an easy, delicious, and beautiful appetizer recipe! Made with Roma tomatoes, fresh mozzarella cheese, fresh basil, and balsamic glaze …...
Tortellini Caprese Salad is the perfect summer side dish for your next picnic, potluck, or party! Made with cheese stuffed tortellini, fresh mozzarella, colorful...
I feel like I have mentioned this to you guys before, but I absolutely love summer and summer foods. Summer foods to me mean...
Indulge your creamy, carb-y pasta desires with my Healthy Cottage Cheese Alfredo recipe! Simply made with just 10 ingredients and ready in under 30...
Welcome summer in style with my deliciously easy Italian Bow Tie Pasta Salad recipe. Featuring adorable noodles tossed with salty salami, a bevy of...
This Copycat Costco Quinoa Salad is the perfect fresh, light, and nutritious recipe! Made with tons of fresh vegetables, lentils, quinoa, feta cheese, and...
Snacktime just got a serious upgrade with my easy Air Fryer Tortilla Pizza recipe! With just 2 minutes of prep and a quick spell...
This Cucumber Sweet Pepper Salad is a viral TikTok sensation for good reason! Made with fresh cucumbers, sweet mini peppers, bagel seasoning, chili crunch,...
This copycat Sweetgreen Crispy Rice Bowl is a healthy and delicious lunch, dinner, or meal prep recipe! Made with white rice, homemade crispy rice,...
Looking for a taste of summer you can enjoy all year round? You need to try my easy Cherry Tomato Sauce recipe. Simply made...